196 Street Station Plan
New plan for the 196 Street Station area
As SkyTrain extends down Fraser Highway from City Centre to Langley, the area on the Surrey side of the future Willowbrook Station is going to change. We are creating a new plan for the area that includes the residential neighbourhood on either side of Fraser Highway and the industrial area south of 60th Ave.
Thank you to the over 300 people who attended our open house on January 28 to share information about the 196 Street Station Plan and the neighboring Clayton Corridor Plan.
The survey is now closed!
Thank you to the almost 600 people who completed the survey! We will be sharing a What We Heard Report in early spring.
New plan for the 196 Street Station area
As SkyTrain extends down Fraser Highway from City Centre to Langley, the area on the Surrey side of the future Willowbrook Station is going to change. We are creating a new plan for the area that includes the residential neighbourhood on either side of Fraser Highway and the industrial area south of 60th Ave.
Thank you to the over 300 people who attended our open house on January 28 to share information about the 196 Street Station Plan and the neighboring Clayton Corridor Plan.
The survey is now closed!
Thank you to the almost 600 people who completed the survey! We will be sharing a What We Heard Report in early spring.
Do you have questions about the 196 Street Station Plan?
Ask them here! A member from our project team will be happy to answer your question.
How will the new plan for the 196th Street Station area address the urban heat island effect and shield the pedestrians and transit commuters from extreme weather events in Surrey?
Tim asked about 1 month agoHi Tim,
Thanks for your question. The City has a number of policies to address the urban heat island including the Urban Forest Management Strategy and the Form and Character guidelines in the Official Community Plan. Policies address the urban tree canopy in plazas, boulevards, and on-site in private developments. Surface parking is discouraged, and green roofs and high albedo roofs are encouraged as is shading from awnings in commercial areas. Design criteria also suggest larger tree canopies in commercial areas. The City also develops stormwater management plans for new plan areas and this will be undertaken as we move forward.
Please consider registering for updates on the project website so that you receive notification of future public engagement opportunities.
How will the new plan for the 196th Street Station area address the debris from the construction of new buildings and the new SkyTrain line in the city of Surrey, and will the plan follow a circular economy for the waste management?
Jackie asked about 1 month agoHi Jackie,
The City's construction waste requirements are outlined on the following website: https://www.surrey.ca/renovating-building-development/building/residential-building/residential-building-permits/demolition-permits/demolition-recycling-requirements
Please consider registering for updates on the 196 Street Station webpage to learn about future engagement opportunities.
This there any rapid bus service coming on 10hy so please can reach to sky train station fast at Willowbrook and 196 so they don’t have to use there cars which will cause more traffic in Cloverdale 10hy area or any overpass in Cloverdale downtown ?
Singh asked about 1 month agoHi Singh,
The City has no information about future bus service at this time. TransLink is responsible for the bus integration plan which is typically developed much closer to the Surrey-Langley SkyTrain opening date of 2029 when they have more certainty of the funding available. Details of TransLink's 10 Year Investment Plan can be found here https://www.translink.ca/plans-and-projects/strategies-plans-and-guidelines/transit-and-transportation-planning/ten-year-investment-plan
Please consider registering for updates on the 196 Street Station Plan webpage, for notification of future public engagement opportunities.
What are the plausible reasons for commencing the new plan for the 196 Street Station area, and its impact on the local community and ecosystem? Will it justify the Surrey resident taxpayers money?
Jesus asked about 1 month agoHi Jesus,
The City initially committed to undertaking secondary plans for the areas around all the new Surrey - Langley SkyTrain stations as part of the Supportive Policies Agreement. More information can be found in the Corporate Report to Council found under Background Documents on the 196 Street Station Plan webpage.
Since then, the Province has passed Bill 47 Transit Oriented Areas (TOAs), which specifies the minimum density the City must allow a rezoning to achieve where residential uses are allowed. TOAs are to be identified within 800m of a rapid transit station (e.g., SkyTrain station) and 400m of a bus exchange. More information can be found on the City's website.
Please consider registering for updates on the 196 Street Station Plan webpage to be alerted to future public engagement opportunities.
I live in Greenside Estates. I am in tier 3. What does this plan mean for me?
Leanne Thomas asked 30 days agoHi Leanne,
Thank you for your comment. We are just launching the planning process and do not have any draft land use designations to share - that will come in the next phase of work. The Provincial legislation requires that for property that falls in tier 3, the City must provide a pathway for development to achieve up to 8 stories or 3 FAR. This provides clear direction for the planning process moving forward. More information on the Provincial Transit Oriented legislation's impact on Surrey see https://engage.surrey.ca/city-centre-plan/news_feed/transit-oriented-areas-designated-around-skytrain-stations-and-bus-exchanges . Link's to the Provincial information can be found at the bottom of this page https://www.surrey.ca/renovating-building-development/land-planning-development/new-provincial-housing-financial-regulations
Please consider subscribing to project updates including opportunities for future engagement on the project's webpage https://engage.surrey.ca/admin/projects/196-street-station
When is this change happening….. is there going to be a land assembly?
Janet asked about 1 month agoHi Janet,
Land assembly can happen at any time, depending on the interest of investors or developers to purchase property, and owners interest in selling. New development applications will not be accepted until a new Stage 1 Plan is approved by Council. This is typically takes about 18 months.
Please consider registering for updates on the project website to be kept informed about the planning process including future engagement opportunities.
What is being proposed for the northeast corner of 188 and Fraser highway?
BevSh asked 30 days agoHi Bev,
The area you are enquiring about is part of the Clayton Corridor Plan. Information can be found here https://engage.surrey.ca/clayton-corridor-plan and under Key Documents is a PDF titled January 2025 Open House Boards, page 10 shows you the draft land use concept including what is planned for the land in question.
The environment on the Surrey side of the future Willowbrook Station will alter as SkyTrain continues its journey along Fraser Highway from City Centre to Langley. How will Surrey's GHG emissions be increased by the new plan area?
Mike asked about 2 months agoHi Mike,
Thank you for this question. Transportation and buildings are the top two sources of GHGs in Surrey. There will be increased emissions associated with the construction of new buildings and the new SkyTrain line.
However, for older buildings the GHG emissions from operations (heating and cooling) are much higher over their lifetime than the emissions from construction. The existing very inefficient 1980s single family homes will be replaced with much more energy efficiency buildings, reducing the amount of emissions per person.
The new SkyTrain, improved bus service, new sidewalks, and protected bike lanes will all provide opportunities to not drive. As the area evolves into a 15 min neighbourhood with increased walkability to amenities we will track how people travel. There is background information on the current traffic volumes, mode share, and injury statistics in the appendix to the Plan initiation Corporate Report on the website.
The City measures and reports on community GHGs at a City-wide level, and this will continue over the life of the plan. Please consider signing up using the subscribe button to stay informed of future engagement opportunities as we work to develop the land use plan.
What’s the plan for the housing North of 64th ave in the map? I have a unit on the corner of 64th and 196. Thanks!
Troy asked about 1 month agoHi Troy,
We are just at the beginning of the plan process and don't yet have a draft land use plan. Please consider signing up using the subscribe button to stay informed of future engagement opportunities as we work to develop the land use plan.
When the plan says minimum 22 story buildings in an area, does that pertain to only new builds or will steps be taken to tear down existing dwellings in order to build these huge structures? If so, when will this start?
Donna asked about 2 months agoHi Donna,
Now that a new area plan process has begun rezoning applications for new development will not be accepted by the City until after Council has approved a new Stage 1 Land Use Plan. This is expected in about 18 months. The Provincial legislation provides direction to the City that for land that allows residential use, the new designations need to provide a path to allow rezoning for a minimum of the heights or floor area noted.
It will be up to the private sector to determine the pace of redevelopment. Investors or developers may chose to purchase existing homes to consolidate for redevelopment, however it will be up to individual home owners to decide if they want to sell. No one will be forced out of their home.
Please consider signing up using the subscribe button to stay informed of future engagement opportunities as we work to develop a new land use plan.
Who's Listening
Project Lead
DBPhone 604-591-4619 Email dbuchanan@surrey.ca -
Planning Technician
NFEmail negin.fekry@surrey.ca -
Parks & Recreation Planner
KLEmail Katelyn.Ling@surrey.ca -
Process Manager, Transportation
JFEmail jfrank@surrey.ca
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