Council Approves Land Use Designation Changes in Bolivar Heights and Green Timbers
On July 11, 2022, Council approved land use designation changes in the Bolivar Heights and Green Timbers Districts of the City Centre Plan, as described in Corporate Report R137; 2022. An updated land use plan is available here.
In Bolivar Heights, these updates include introducing a variety of housing options, from single family homes and multiplexes to townhouses and low rise apartments. Other updates include a new urban, mixed-use village that will offer a variety of shops and services; community amenities and neighbourhood parks within a short walking distance of all residents; and a road network that is finer grained and better connected.
In Green Timbers, updates include introducing a new mixed-use precinct of mid to high rise residential towers and a variety of shops and services around the future 140 Street Station. Increased densities are also designated along 100 Avenue west of the BC Hydro Transmission Corridor, complementing on-going growth patterns in adjacent areas. The road network has also been modified to improve connections to transit and ensure a finer grained, continuous street grid that supports walking and cycling. There will also be new park.
Work on the City Centre Plan Update continues and an updated plan document is anticipated to be completed by Fall 2023, including revisions to urban design guidelines, engineering servicing, road network refinements, and community amenities.