Anniedale Tynehead Plan

A map displaying the Anniedale Tynehead plan boundary

Thank you for your comments. The survey is now closed.

Thank you to those who took part in the survey. Staff are reviewing your comments and will provide provide a summary of what we heard soon.

Review the Open House boards and learn more about the Plan.

Thank you everyone who took time to stop by the Open House on March 12 at Port Kells Community Hall. Please click the following link to view the Anniedale Tynehead Open House boards.


The original plan was approved in 2012. It centred around a big box commercial concept, which in the end wasn't viable, and the area hasn't developed. More recently, a process has been underway to reimagine the neighbourhood. It started with a private development group focusing on the former big box commercial area, now referred to as the West Amendment Area. A new vision was developed to create a mixed use centre for the future neighbourhood.

In June 2019, Council approved utility and servicing upgrades for the Anniedale Tynehead plan area based on the mixed use neighbourhood centre vision. This opened the door to enable new development. In January 2020, a development application was submitted for a portion of the West Amendment Area. This formalized the process to update the West Amendment Area. A developer group led the process to amend the plan, and in November 2023 Council approved a new draft concept for this area. At that time Council also authorized staff to update the broader Anniedale Tynehead Plan (this process).

In September 2024 Council adopted the Stage 1 draft plan for Anniedale Tyenhead.

What’s next?

We are refining the land use, park and transportation concepts and initiating engineering and financial analysis as a part of the Stage 2 process. We are planning to share our updated refines with the public in Spring 2025. The updated Anniedale-Tynehead Plan is expected to be completed in late 2025.

A map displaying the Anniedale Tynehead plan boundary

Thank you for your comments. The survey is now closed.

Thank you to those who took part in the survey. Staff are reviewing your comments and will provide provide a summary of what we heard soon.

Review the Open House boards and learn more about the Plan.

Thank you everyone who took time to stop by the Open House on March 12 at Port Kells Community Hall. Please click the following link to view the Anniedale Tynehead Open House boards.


The original plan was approved in 2012. It centred around a big box commercial concept, which in the end wasn't viable, and the area hasn't developed. More recently, a process has been underway to reimagine the neighbourhood. It started with a private development group focusing on the former big box commercial area, now referred to as the West Amendment Area. A new vision was developed to create a mixed use centre for the future neighbourhood.

In June 2019, Council approved utility and servicing upgrades for the Anniedale Tynehead plan area based on the mixed use neighbourhood centre vision. This opened the door to enable new development. In January 2020, a development application was submitted for a portion of the West Amendment Area. This formalized the process to update the West Amendment Area. A developer group led the process to amend the plan, and in November 2023 Council approved a new draft concept for this area. At that time Council also authorized staff to update the broader Anniedale Tynehead Plan (this process).

In September 2024 Council adopted the Stage 1 draft plan for Anniedale Tyenhead.

What’s next?

We are refining the land use, park and transportation concepts and initiating engineering and financial analysis as a part of the Stage 2 process. We are planning to share our updated refines with the public in Spring 2025. The updated Anniedale-Tynehead Plan is expected to be completed in late 2025.


Do you have a question about the Anniedale Tynehead Plan or the planning process? We would be happy to respond to your question and will get back to you.

Read our Moderation Policy to ensure your question meets our engagement etiquette and rules.

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  • Why did the City of Surrey choose to have TWO PHASES of WATER for the NCP area and the First Phase only contributes 16% of the overall capacity needed for the entire NCP? Who is the Front Ending Developer that will pay for and bring in the Second Phase of WATER?

    ATSC asked 11 months ago


    The initial (interim) Phase 1 water infrastructure works would service a population of 4,231. Engineering staff will continue to monitor the demand. As new development occurs and demand grows, infrastructure capacity will be increased. As noted in Corporate Report R117, the City entered into a Development Cost Charge Front Ending Agreement with the Anniedale Land Development Limited Partnership.  A more detailed water servicing strategy for the broader plan area  will be developed in Stage 2 of the plan process.  



  • Will development applications i.e.. Project Number 21 - 0226 and Project Number 20 - 0278 and other applications and projects in Anniedale, East of HWY 15, use the Tynehead Sanitary Pump Station #1 Works that benefit only properties West of HWY 15 in Tynehead? Or will development applications and projects East of HWY.15 in Anniedale only move forward once the second Pump Station just east of HWY15 is designed, planned and built?

    ATSC asked 11 months ago


    Future development east of Highway 15 will not be serviced by the sanitary trunk main and pump station located at 172 St and 92 Ave. Utilities servicing for the area east of Highway 15 will require construction of new force mains and a pump station (#2) at Highway 15 and 91 Ave. This pump station is currently being designed. 



  • What about where the new road will in future extend 180 Street between two farms towards 88 ave There is already a lot of waterflow and water levels are sometimes quite high. with a new road being built between two farms, are contingencies in place to ensure no farmland is affected by flooding? This changes the landscape for farmers if ditches are not made properly, or drainage is incorrectly or inadequately done and only focus is ONLY for the road vs. both the road and also the farmer.

    Farmland and townhome border. asked 11 months ago


    Stage 2 of the planning process will include a storm water strategy which will inform the drainage servicing approach for the final Plan. Recommendations will include detention requirements, and on-lot storm water best management practices to mitigate development impacts. The servicing strategy will also include a storm sewer network to service future development. 



  • Question, is there no supposed to be a Riparian Buffer at the border between farmland and where the biodiversity corridor is?

    Farmland and townhome border. asked 11 months ago


    While several streams, wetlands, and riparian areas were identified during the planning process, there may be steams and wetlands that were not identified within the planning process. Further detailed studies by an appropriately qualified Environmental Professional are required to verify locations and sizes of any wetlands or streams before any development can occur.



  • I just read that a Crematorium is being proposed in our neighbourhood, among residential properties! Please explain why this benefits a residential neighbourhood. Crematoriums release measurable PM10 and PM2.5 particulates. Crematoriums are burn plastics (clothing, caskets, paints, lacquers, upholstery) and toxic materials in deceased bodies (radioactive treatment materials and chemotherapy). Unlike other industrial incinerators, crematoriums are not required to report their pollutant inventories to the federal NPRI. This should not be permitted in in our neighbourhood plan. It's a step backwards.

    Kevin asked 11 months ago

    Hi Kevin,

    Development proposal 7923-0127-00 to permit a funeral parlour, memorial service hall and crematory was considered by Council on October 30, 2023. The Application was referred back to staff to work with the applicant. The Planning and Development Department had recommended that this application be denied. Staff have noted that there are more appropriate locations in the City that would suite this type of use. 

    For more information please see the following Planning Report. If you have any further questions regarding the proposal, you may reach out to the Planner assigned to this file, Robert Ordelheide at 



  • Why would there need to be a second small park near 182 & 94th when there is already a large one a few blocks south? This is prime developable land that could be used for homes?

    Steve asked 11 months ago

    Hi Steve,

    As Anniedale Tynehead grows and redevelop, it requires that the City identify and best manage this growth and support creating a liveable community. This includes planning new streets, adding connections, and mobility options as well as creating new parks and public spaces. 

    A key consideration for selecting new parks is to provide active park space within a 10-minute walk (500 metres~). The area designated as park at 182 Street and 94 Avenue is centrally located and is intended to be a future community park. The City has strong desire to work with property owners to acquire park designated properties over time as identified in the plan. 

    For more information on parks planning in Anniedale Tynhead you may contact Adam Ross, Parks Planner at



  • When are services going to be installed in the ncp? I believe services have been installed in the west side of the ncp but when will they be installed on the east side? Is there any timeline? Many land owners on the east side of the ncp are waiting for services so they can start building housing and jobs for people.

    Jas asked 11 months ago

    Hi Jas,

    There is currently minimal utilities infrastructure within the Plan Area. As such, significant investment in water, sanitary and drainage infrastructure will be required to support future redevelopment. The timing of major utilities infrastructure is largely development driven. A detailed engineering analysis will be completed in Stage 2 to identify drainage, sanitary, and water infrastructure improvements to support development, along with a detailed financial strategy to support their construction. Once in Stage 2 of the plan process, an updated engineering servicing strategy will be conducted.



  • Why is the City even attempting to amend this broken plan, when it should be scrapped entirely?

    Concerned Resident asked 11 months ago


    The planning for growth and change is guided by regional (Metro Vancouver Regional Growth Strategy) and city wide plans (Official Community Plan) that provide high level direction. Secondary Plans such as the Anniedale Tynehead Neighbourhood Concept Plans (NCP) provide more detailed guidance as the neighbourhood grows. NCPs help manage growth by clearly outlining land use designations, establishing future parks and road network strategy, providing urban design vision and guidelines, and amenity strategy to address future growth impacts. 

    Since the 2012 Plan was approved, not much as changed. It presented land uses that are now out of date. Some of the key goals of the new Draft Plan is to make it more market responsive, and reflect new policies and regulations that have come into place since the original plan was developed.



  • In the business park are you expecting them to look similar to what is going up in Campbell Heights? Just two stories (like on the intersection of 24 ave and 192 st)? I am not sure why there would not be 3-4 stories built out as land is scarce.

    Gevin asked 11 months ago

    Hi Gevin, 

    The development of low built floor areas and lower height buildings is due to a number of factors such as market conditions, and lot, building, and physical space requirements. Generally business parks do require larger lots, specific site requirements such as parking and loading that are not as viable for multi-storey large format employment buildings. 



  • What are the active transportation corridors in this amendment for people to walk and cycle to school?

    Tim asked 11 months ago

    Hi Tim,

    The transportation component for the plan will follow the guiding principles outlined with the City's Transportation Strategic Plan and supplementary plans (e.g., Cycling Plan, Walking Plan). 

    Much of the street network does not currently exist or exists in a rural standard. The planned network will include new arterial roads, collector roads, local roads and pedestrian connections. New roads and improvements will include sidewalks and protected cycling (along arterials and collectors). All three schools will be supported by protected cycling routes: 94A Avenue, Highway 15, 93A Avenue, 92 Avenue, and 184 Street. 



Page last updated: 26 Sep 2024, 09:11 AM