Cloverdale Town Centre Plan Update

Street view of Cloverdale Town Centre

The Cloverdale Town Centre Plan is being updated! A series of new projects and developments in Cloverdale necessitate a revision of the plan. These advancements will guide the growth of Cloverdale Town Centre, transforming it into a community hub for commerce, heritage celebration, wellness, education, and entertainment.

Help shape the plan for your community!

Step 3 engagement has now concluded! Thank you for providing your time and feedback regarding future concepts for Cloverdale Town Centre. During this engagement phase we saw:

392 survey responses
300 plan brochure copies
255 open house attendees
17 open house display boards
12 City of Surrey staff persons
4,825 mail-out postcards
1,500 mini postcards
1,000 pins
30 posters
16 lawn signs

If you were not able to attend the open house, our display boards and brochure are available for viewing in the "Key Documents" section of the sidebar. Stay tuned for the Step 3 "What We Heard" Engagement Summary, available in the new year.

An expanded plan boundary for Cloverdale Town Centre

On July 22, 2024, City Council endorsed Corporate Report R149, to expand the plan boundary of Cloverdale Town Centre northward. The expansion area is bounded by 60th Avenue to the south, 175 and 175A Street to the west, 64 Avenue to the north and 180 Street to the east. An additional lot to the northeast of KPU Tech Campus, at 18120 56 Ave is also included within the Plan Expansion Area. The total area covers roughly 80.8 hectares and is home to 145 properties. The dwelling ages within the expansion area range from 1923 to 2023, with 1988 being the average year of construction.
Cloverdale Town Centre Plan Updated Plan Boundary Map

Fairgrounds Special Study Area: The City of Surrey is conducting an independent master planning and market feasibility study of the Cloverdale Fairgrounds. This study is separate from the Cloverdale Town Centre Plan, with its own timelines and objectives. While the Town Centre Plan will consider the areas around the Fairgrounds, the Fairgrounds themselves are designated as a "Special Study Area" and are not considered within the scope of the Cloverdale Town Centre Plan

The Cloverdale Town Centre Plan is being updated! A series of new projects and developments in Cloverdale necessitate a revision of the plan. These advancements will guide the growth of Cloverdale Town Centre, transforming it into a community hub for commerce, heritage celebration, wellness, education, and entertainment.

Help shape the plan for your community!

Step 3 engagement has now concluded! Thank you for providing your time and feedback regarding future concepts for Cloverdale Town Centre. During this engagement phase we saw:

392 survey responses
300 plan brochure copies
255 open house attendees
17 open house display boards
12 City of Surrey staff persons
4,825 mail-out postcards
1,500 mini postcards
1,000 pins
30 posters
16 lawn signs

If you were not able to attend the open house, our display boards and brochure are available for viewing in the "Key Documents" section of the sidebar. Stay tuned for the Step 3 "What We Heard" Engagement Summary, available in the new year.

An expanded plan boundary for Cloverdale Town Centre

On July 22, 2024, City Council endorsed Corporate Report R149, to expand the plan boundary of Cloverdale Town Centre northward. The expansion area is bounded by 60th Avenue to the south, 175 and 175A Street to the west, 64 Avenue to the north and 180 Street to the east. An additional lot to the northeast of KPU Tech Campus, at 18120 56 Ave is also included within the Plan Expansion Area. The total area covers roughly 80.8 hectares and is home to 145 properties. The dwelling ages within the expansion area range from 1923 to 2023, with 1988 being the average year of construction.
Cloverdale Town Centre Plan Updated Plan Boundary Map

Fairgrounds Special Study Area: The City of Surrey is conducting an independent master planning and market feasibility study of the Cloverdale Fairgrounds. This study is separate from the Cloverdale Town Centre Plan, with its own timelines and objectives. While the Town Centre Plan will consider the areas around the Fairgrounds, the Fairgrounds themselves are designated as a "Special Study Area" and are not considered within the scope of the Cloverdale Town Centre Plan

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    Step 3 engagement for the Cloverdale Town Centre Plan is now underway! This phase of the project is focused on the development of the plan. We have updated the vision, principles, and growth concept from Step 2. Further, we are presenting proposed concepts for parks, transportation, and land use. Your feedback for these proposed changes will help in refining the plan.

    Want to get involved? There are two main ways you can:

    1. Take the survey! 
    2. Attend the open house at Cloverdale Recreation Centre on Wednesday, November 13 from 5:00pm - 8:00pm.

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  • The Cloverdale Town Centre Plan Update - Step 2 Engagement Summary is now available to the public! This round of engagement was our first time connecting with the community. During this step, we asked questions regarding an updated, vision, principles, and growth concept. Your feedback was invaluable and will help determine how the plan progresses in its development. More updates to come soon in our next round of engagement for Step 3 this Fall 2024. Please subscribe to our mailing list to stay up-to-date with project developments.

    To read the full engagement summary, please click here.

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  • Community engagement for the Cloverdale Town Centre Plan Update has officially kicked off! New developments and changes are coming to Cloverdale. This has called for an update to the existing land use plan. As we update the plan, we want to hear from you! We aim to hear from a variety of residents, stakeholders, and community partners. Help us renew our vision for Cloverdale Town Centre!

    Step 1 has wrapped up, this was our background and scoping phase. During this phase, new projects and developments were announced. This shifted the project scope and required further research on the requirements and needs of these new developments. So, we completed background studies, spoke with key stakeholders, and met internally to think of a strategic plan of action. 

    Now, we are in Step 2, and ready to speak with residents and community members!

    We want to know how we can refresh the existing Cloverdale Town Centre Plan for today's context. The new developments announced will change how Cloverdale Town Centre grows. Help us plan for an emerging destination for health and wellness, education, and entertainment. Stay connected with us as we work to refresh our vision, objectives, and growth concept for the community!

    Look out for the upcoming Step 2 survey to provide your feedback! Check back to this page for project updates!

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  • On October 30, 2023, the Cloverdale Town Centre Plan Update officially kicked off! This was endorsed by Council in Corporate Report R176 calling for an update to the existing 2019 plan. The update followed the BC government's announced groundbreaking of Cloverdale Hospital. This initiated Step 1 of the plan update.

    Step 1 was our background & scoping phase. During this phase, new projects and developments were announced, which shifted the project scope. The new projects and developments included:

    • the groundbreaking of Cloverdale Hospital;
    • the future expansion of KPU Tech campus;
    • re-energizing of Cloverdale Fairgrounds; and
    • the recent Provincial Housing Legislation.

    Because of these new developments, an understanding of their needs and requirements was necessary. To that end, we completed background studies, spoke with key stakeholders, and met internally to devise a strategic plan of action. Now as we enter Step 2, we are looking to refresh our vision, objectives, and growth concept for Cloverdale Town Centre as it becomes a destination for health and wellness, education, and entertainment.

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Page last updated: 13 Jan 2025, 08:36 AM