Imagine Scott Road: Visioning Study

Public engagement has concluded.

Aerial view of Scott Road

Review the Vision for the Scott Road - 72 Avenue Corridor

Council approved the Imagine Scott Road Visioning Study on July 8, 2024. The imagine Scott Road planning process is now concluded. Thank you to all those that participated!

The Imagine Scott Road Visioning Study is the first step of planning for the Scott Road - 72 Avenue Corridor. Imagine Scott Road creates a framework that will guide the servicing and redevelopment of three future neighbourhood plans that were identified through the visioning process:

  • Townline (north);
  • Kennedy (central); and
  • Strawberry Hill (south).

These plans will be initiated in the future and will involve comprehensive community engagement.

Aerial view of Scott Road

Review the Vision for the Scott Road - 72 Avenue Corridor

Council approved the Imagine Scott Road Visioning Study on July 8, 2024. The imagine Scott Road planning process is now concluded. Thank you to all those that participated!

The Imagine Scott Road Visioning Study is the first step of planning for the Scott Road - 72 Avenue Corridor. Imagine Scott Road creates a framework that will guide the servicing and redevelopment of three future neighbourhood plans that were identified through the visioning process:

  • Townline (north);
  • Kennedy (central); and
  • Strawberry Hill (south).

These plans will be initiated in the future and will involve comprehensive community engagement.

Public engagement has concluded.

Do you have a question about the Imagine Scott Road Study? We would be happy to respond to your question and will get back to you.

Read our Moderation Policy to ensure your question meets our engagement etiquette and rules.

  • How is cycling being accommodated in this corridor. Currently it is next to impossible to cycle along this corridor as Scott Road is a busy 4 lane road without any cycling facilities and the next road over is 128 Street. People should be able to access businesses on Scott Road and rapid bus by bike.

    Tim Y asked over 2 years ago

    Safe and accessible cycling is a priority for our Engineering Department, As part of the Visioning Study, we will determine North-South and East-West connections for cyclists. The preference for these connections is protected cycling facilities (bike lanes or multi-use paths). In some cases, due to road width constraints and other necessary road functions, this may not always be possible (ie: street parking, RapidBus infrastructure, etc). The Visioning Study will propose and seek public feedback on the Cycling Network at our next round of engagement (likely Spring 2023).

  • 1. Will a cost-benefit analysis be conducted before undertaking improvements to the target area along Scott Road and 72 Avenue? 2. What portion of the cost of improvements be paid by Surrey, Metro Vancouver, Provincial Government, and Federal Government. [My understanding is that Scott Road is a Provincial responsibility.] 3. Will Delta be conducting a similar study re the west side of Scott Road?

    Resrup asked over 2 years ago

    TransLink is leading the improvements at Scott Road and 72 Avenue as part of the R6 – Scott Road Rapid Bus project (Link Here) . It is our understanding that a multiple account evaluation was done for all projects on the corridor to ensure that trade-offs align with priorities of Improving Road Safety, Pedestrian Convenience, Bus Travel Time Savings, Traffic Flow and Goods Movement, Access to Business and Residences, and Streetscape. The centre island bus stop as part of the R6 – Scott Road meets or exceeds these priorities. Additionally, the City manages the operation of the traffic signal at 72 Avenue and Scott Road and will ensure that efficiency of the signal operation is maximized for all users.

    Scott Road was formerly a Provincial Highway but was downloaded to the municipalities of Surrey and Delta in 1999. Because the road has regional significance it is part of TransLink’s Major Road Network (Link Here) and Surrey and Delta receive annual Operations, Maintenance, and Rehabilitation funding for the road. Currently all of the capital improvements planned as part of the R6 – Scott Road Rapid Bus are to be funded by TransLink.

    The City of Delta has already done some land use and redevelopment visioning work for their side of the corridor. The Housing Task Force for Scott Road (Link here) was conducted in 2020. This report outlines some high level visioning, similar to the level of detail City of Surrey's Imagine Scott Road Visioning Study will provide.