Imagine Scott Road: Visioning Study

Public engagement has concluded.

Aerial view of Scott Road

Review the Vision for the Scott Road - 72 Avenue Corridor

Council approved the Imagine Scott Road Visioning Study on July 8, 2024. The imagine Scott Road planning process is now concluded. Thank you to all those that participated!

The Imagine Scott Road Visioning Study is the first step of planning for the Scott Road - 72 Avenue Corridor. Imagine Scott Road creates a framework that will guide the servicing and redevelopment of three future neighbourhood plans that were identified through the visioning process:

  • Townline (north);
  • Kennedy (central); and
  • Strawberry Hill (south).

These plans will be initiated in the future and will involve comprehensive community engagement.

Aerial view of Scott Road

Review the Vision for the Scott Road - 72 Avenue Corridor

Council approved the Imagine Scott Road Visioning Study on July 8, 2024. The imagine Scott Road planning process is now concluded. Thank you to all those that participated!

The Imagine Scott Road Visioning Study is the first step of planning for the Scott Road - 72 Avenue Corridor. Imagine Scott Road creates a framework that will guide the servicing and redevelopment of three future neighbourhood plans that were identified through the visioning process:

  • Townline (north);
  • Kennedy (central); and
  • Strawberry Hill (south).

These plans will be initiated in the future and will involve comprehensive community engagement.

Public engagement has concluded.

  • What We Heard Engagement Report Summary

    In the Fall of 2022, we conducted engagement for the Scott Road and 72 Avenue Visioning Study. The goal of engagement was to understand residents' preferences and perspectives on how the area could evolve as the R6 RapidBus arrives. An online survey and online engagement activities (polls, mapping, and other tools) were available. The What We Heard Report, provides a summary of the Step 1 engagement and survey (Fall-Winter 2022).

    Thank you to the nearly 570 people who took part in the survey and those that participated in the online engagement tools. Since the launch of the Imagine Scott Road Visioning Study online platform in November of 2022, nearly 4,800 people have visited the Imagine Scott Road project page. Of those, 640 visited one or more of the information items, questions, polls, or tools.

    As part of the survey analysis, we consider whose voices were heard and whose were missed. Below are some of the demographic groups we reached. As we move into the next phase of engagement in Spring 2023, we will continue to explore how to better reach a representative sample of those living in the community.

    Representative reach:

    • 34% of respondents were aged 20-39 (30% of residents in the Study Area are aged 20-39)
    • 7% of respondents were new immigrants {0-5 years} (10% of residents in the Study Area were new immigrants {0-5 years)

    Opportunity to improve:

    • 16% of respondents rent (41% of residents in the Study Area rent)
    • 31% of respondents identify as South Asian (64% of residents in the Study Area identify as South Asian)
    • 67% of respondents were non-immigrants (45% of residents in the Study Area are non-immigrants)

    To learn more about what we've heard so far in the Step 1 Survey, have a look in the "Important Links" section of the site or click on the title to open it in a new window.