Official Community Plan

We’re updating the City’s Official Community Plan (OCP)! The OCP is one of the City’s overarching documents. It establishes the City’s goals and actions to support a growing community. And provides a long-term vision for the future.

The OCP update is a multi-phase process. We are targeting completing the project in Fall 2025.

Phase 2 of our engagement is now complete, and we’ve gathered your valuable feedback into the Phase 2 What We Heard Report. You can find the report in our updates section—be sure to take a look!

Also, Hit the Subscribe button to receive updates on phase 3 coming mid-March 2025.

We’re updating the City’s Official Community Plan (OCP)! The OCP is one of the City’s overarching documents. It establishes the City’s goals and actions to support a growing community. And provides a long-term vision for the future.

The OCP update is a multi-phase process. We are targeting completing the project in Fall 2025.

Phase 2 of our engagement is now complete, and we’ve gathered your valuable feedback into the Phase 2 What We Heard Report. You can find the report in our updates section—be sure to take a look!

Also, Hit the Subscribe button to receive updates on phase 3 coming mid-March 2025.

  • Phase 2 Engagement: What we did and what we heard

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    In Phase 2 engagement for the OCP update, we asked for your feedback on the core values and priorities that should guide growth in Surrey.

    To gather your feedback, we engaged participants through pop-ups in two events occurring at different locations and through an online survey. We had a great response from residents with over:

    • 3,000 survey responses
    • 2,000 visits to our Canada Day pop-up booth
    • 3,300 visits to our Fusion Festival pop-up booth

    We’ve compiled your feedback from phase 2 so check out the Phase 2 What We Heard Report.

  • Phase 1 engagement: What we did and what we heard

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    Engagement for the Official Community Plan (OCP) Update is well underway. In February, we launched our first phase of engagement. On Family Day, we hosted events in all six town centres in Surrey. In March, we hosted pop-ups at community facilities and at local university campuses to hear from more families and youth.

    To go along with the outreach, we ran an online community survey, which closed on March 31, 2024. We heard from residents of all ages and who lived in all six communities in Surrey. Over 3,600 residents completed the survey. Participants shared what they loved about Surrey and what they view as some of the challenges the City is facing. To learn more about what we heard, check out the Phase 1 What We Heard Report.

    Here are some statistics from phase 1:

    • 6 communities reached
    • 12 pop-ups
    • 3,600+ survey respondents
    • 20 transit shelter ads
    • 13,000+ page visits
    • 57 recreation centre TV screens
    • 253,000+ online touchpoints
    • 200+ cookies devoured

  • The City launches the Official Community Plan update.

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    The City is starting a two-year process to update the Official Community Plan (OCP). The current OCP is over 10 years old. New Provincial legislation requires all cities to update their OCP every five years. The new OCP will establish the City’s long-term goals for the future. Over the next two years, residents will have many opportunities to help shape the plan. The plan is expected to be completed in late 2025.

Page last updated: 12 Mar 2025, 03:33 PM