Sunnyside Cemetery Master Plan

A lawn cemetery with autumn leafed trees, headstones, and timber fencing.

Missed the open house?

View the open house boards that were shared with participants.

Project background

The City of Surrey is developing a 25 year master plan for the expansion of interment services at the Sunnyside Lawn Cemetery (14850 - 28 Avenue).

Through the 25 Year Sunnyside Cemetery Master Plan, the City aims to:

  • Increase the cemetery by approximately 5 acres which will be built in phases over the next 25 years.
  • Prioritize tree retention opportunities within the 5 acre expansion area.
  • Offer new and diverse interment options that can be integrated with nature and the existing forest.
  • Ensure expansion adheres to archaeological and environmental regulations.
  • Continue to protect the Semiahmoo Trail and other important site features.

The City operates three municipal cemeteries. However, all three are reaching capacity. Sunnyside Lawn Cemetery is the only cemetery with available area for expansion. To ensure the City can continue to provide this important service to the community, a 25-year master plan is being developed to define how best to undertake the expansion works for Sunnyside Lawn Cemetery.

Current project phase

The first round of engagement has completed for the master plan. Thank you to everyone who attended the open house on November 20, 2024 and completed the survey that closed on December 5, 2024.

The project team will be reviewing and considering all feedback that has been received.

Other city cemeteries and services

Missed the open house?

View the open house boards that were shared with participants.

Project background

The City of Surrey is developing a 25 year master plan for the expansion of interment services at the Sunnyside Lawn Cemetery (14850 - 28 Avenue).

Through the 25 Year Sunnyside Cemetery Master Plan, the City aims to:

  • Increase the cemetery by approximately 5 acres which will be built in phases over the next 25 years.
  • Prioritize tree retention opportunities within the 5 acre expansion area.
  • Offer new and diverse interment options that can be integrated with nature and the existing forest.
  • Ensure expansion adheres to archaeological and environmental regulations.
  • Continue to protect the Semiahmoo Trail and other important site features.

The City operates three municipal cemeteries. However, all three are reaching capacity. Sunnyside Lawn Cemetery is the only cemetery with available area for expansion. To ensure the City can continue to provide this important service to the community, a 25-year master plan is being developed to define how best to undertake the expansion works for Sunnyside Lawn Cemetery.

Current project phase

The first round of engagement has completed for the master plan. Thank you to everyone who attended the open house on November 20, 2024 and completed the survey that closed on December 5, 2024.

The project team will be reviewing and considering all feedback that has been received.

Other city cemeteries and services

Have questions about the project?

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  • If the trees were cut, how long would it be until we run out of space again? At that time we will need a new solution; could we start that solution now?

    Cynthia asked 4 months ago

    At this time, we are reviewing and planning for interment needs over the next 25 years. The master plan will be built out in phases. The master plan will seek to provide a mixture of traditional and new interment options. This will help ensure the existing cemetery and expansion areas are used as efficiently as possible and will provide the community alternative interment options that may be less land intensive in the long term.

  • Has the city explored offering parting stones ( and creating a stone garden or identify places in the forest in areas where the soil is pre-treated to adjust the pH level (assuming they will eventually dissolve). This could be a scalable solution that minimizes the impact on the forest.

    Bram asked 4 months ago

    Thank you for this suggestion! We look forward to hearing ideas like this from the community at the open house. We are fully open to exploring new options and services as we work through the master plan process.

  • What are the implications if the expansion isn't approved?

    Joan Arnott asked 4 months ago

    The City owns and operates three municipal cemeteries, all of which are at or near capacity. Sunnyside Cemetery is the only cemetery with area for expansion.

    If the cemetery is not expanded, the City will no longer be able to provide interment as an essential service for residents and their families. For residents wishing to be interred in Surrey, private cemeteries will be their only option; which is not always financially accessible for some. Alternatively, residents will need to inter their family members in other communities outside of Surrey.

    One of the objectives of the expansion project is to ensure that residents and their families stay connected to each other, both in life and in death, in the community of their choosing.

  • Where can we state our opposition of removing forest for expansion of the burial area?

    Tim asked 4 months ago

    We encourage you to come to the open house to provide any additional comments you may have. This will be an opportunity to learn more about the cemetery and the project, ask questions, and provide feedback to staff.

    At this stage of the project we are completing the site analysis and gathering information. A key component of this is reaching out to the public with what we have learned about the site, provide information about the cemetery needs, and discuss some of the strategies that could be used to balance protection of forested areas and provide much needed interment space for the City. No design decisions have been made to this point.

    The open house is on November 20 Open House at the South Surrey Recreation & Arts Centre (14601 - 20 Ave) in the Turnbull Gallery, 5-8pm. If you are not able to attend, the information boards will be posted on the project page after the event.

  • Where can I see a map showing the area of Sunnyside Urban Forest that could be affected?

    Frequent Chickadee Trail Runner and Walker asked 4 months ago

    The project does not propose to expand into the Sunnyside Urban Forest on the west side of 148 Street. All expansion will be contained to cemetery property on the east side of 148 Street. Please see the below image for the boundaries of the cemetery property.

    Further information on the project will be provided at the November 20 Open House at the South Surrey Recreation & Arts Centre (14601 - 20 Ave) in the Turnbull Gallery, 5-8pm. If you are not able to attend, the open house boards will be posted on the website after the event.

  • Has the city considered human composting as an interment option? Also, would the city consider banning permanent grave markers in favour of ones that last say 20 to 50 years? Cutting down forests and planting grass on perpetually dedicated land to satisfy practices that are becoming archaic should be made prohibitively expensive.

    Concerned with Land Use asked 5 months ago

    The City is not considering removing or reducing existing cemetery service offerings through this plan but will seek to provide a wider range of interment options that could be considered less permanent than traditional in-ground burial.

     Green burials, which is in-ground interment in a biodegradable casket without embalming, grave liners, or vaults, is being considered as a service offering in the master plan. Typically, green burials involve minimal grave markings/memorialization and promotes habitat restoration on the burial lands. Locations for green burials will be considered as part of this project.

     Terramation, which is the transformation of human remains into soil at a specialized funeral facility, is currently pending government approval. However, consideration for a terramation garden, an area to receive soil remains from the terramation process, is being reviewed as a potential servicing offering in the longer term for the cemetery.

  • In particular what does it have to do with the Semiahmoo?

    Jim asked 5 months ago

    The Semiahmoo Trail is a heritage route through South Surrey. Today, it is used as a commuting route and as a recreational trail for walking, running, cycling, and enjoying nature. More information about the trail is available on Semiahmoo Trail | City of Surrey.

    A section of the Semiahmoo Trail runs through Sunnyside Lawn Cemetery. The design will aim to protect the heritage value and character of this important public amenity and will adhere to the Semiahmoo Trail Design Standards.

  • How big is this space going to be is the room for any food stand ?

    Mr chad asked 5 months ago

    The total area of Sunnyside Lawn Cemetery is 29-acres, some areas have been developed, others are forested. This master plan will review the extent of future developable areas and identify areas for environmental protection.

    Our cemeteries do not offer food or coffee services.

  • Will any trees be cut down? What measures are being taken to preserve the original topography and any wildlife which may be affected? Will native plants be used vs lawns which need watering?

    Nicole asked 5 months ago

    The project is currently in the early stage of site analysis, which includes arborist and environmental assessments of the property.

    These assessments will help guide decisions and designs on where expansion can occur while being sensitive to the overall forest and wildlife. This assessment work is currently underway, and no design decisions for the site have been made at this stage. Therefore, the amount of tree removal and impact to wildlife has not yet been determined.

    Plant selection and maintenance will be reviewed and considered as the master plan progresses.

Page last updated: 09 Dec 2024, 01:39 PM