South Westminster Plan

Public engagement has concluded.

South Westminster Map

A New Plan for South Westminster

We’re creating a new plan for South Westminster. The plan aims to build on the areas proximity to the port, major roads and transit, while taking into consideration development challenges, such as the areas soil conditions, flooding and site contamination. We started the process in Fall 2022 with an online survey to explore plan priorities and growth options for South Westminster. In January 2023, we hosted an industry focused workshop to build on the findings of the public survey. In September 2024, we collected feedback on the draft plan through an online survey. This input will help in further refining the future vision for South Westminster.

South Westminster Map

A New Plan for South Westminster

We’re creating a new plan for South Westminster. The plan aims to build on the areas proximity to the port, major roads and transit, while taking into consideration development challenges, such as the areas soil conditions, flooding and site contamination. We started the process in Fall 2022 with an online survey to explore plan priorities and growth options for South Westminster. In January 2023, we hosted an industry focused workshop to build on the findings of the public survey. In September 2024, we collected feedback on the draft plan through an online survey. This input will help in further refining the future vision for South Westminster.

Public engagement has concluded.

  • What We Heard - Stage 1 Step 3: Developing the Plan

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    Thank you for participating in the Stage 1 draft plan survey for South Westminster. Your valuable feedback was gathered and compiled together in a Phase 1 Step 3 What We Heard Report.

  • What We Heard Step 2 - Stakeholder Workshop

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    On Friday, January 23, 2023, the City of Surrey hosted an in-person workshop with key partners. The intent of the workshop was to build on the findings of the Fall 2022 public survey which identified key challenges and opportunities for South Westminster. The findings from this workshop are detailed in this Step 2 What We Heard Report.

    Thank you to the 22 external participants and 14 internal City of Surrey staff who attended this workshop. We received such great feedback from a range of City of Surrey Divisions and external organizations.

    To read through the What We Heard document for this workshop, click on the title to open the document in a new window or refer to the "Documents" section in the sidebar.

  • What we Heard - Step 1: Getting Started Engagement Summary

    In September 2022 we kicked off the plan (Step 1: Getting Started) with an online survey. Thank you to the 286 people who took part in the online survey. To learn more about what we've heard so far, have a look at the summary in the document section or click the image to open the summary in a new window.

  • Kick off for the South Westminster Plan

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    We are kicking off the planning process to update the South Westminster Plan. Help shape the plan and complete the survey. The survey closes October 27, 2022.

  • Learn More About South Westminster

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    Check out the South Westminster Neighbourhood Profile to learn more about the area. This document provides a snapshot of South Westminster today, primarily an employment area characterized by business parks, the port and industrial land.