Clayton Corridor Plan
We are creating a plan to help Clayton grow with the future SkyTrain on Fraser Highway. Find out how the plan has been updated to meet the provincial housing legislation. View the January 2025 open house display boards. | ![]() |
We are creating a plan to help Clayton grow with the future SkyTrain on Fraser Highway. Find out how the plan has been updated to meet the provincial housing legislation. View the January 2025 open house display boards. | ![]() |
Council Designates Transit-Oriented Areas in the Clayton Corridor
On June 10, fifteen "Transit-Oriented Areas" (TOAs) were designated in Surrey, as required by the Provincial government. TOAs are areas within 800 metres of a SkyTrain station and within 400 metres of a bus exchange where higher density development standards apply. The purpose of TOAs is to increase the supply of housing near transit. This will result in vibrant, mixed-use neighbourhoods where housing is concentrated near transit and amenities. Two Transit-Oriented Areas are found within the Clayton Corridor which will impact how we plan the area.
Learn more about Transit-Oriented Areas in Corporate Report R089.
Clayton Corridor Open House Event
We appreciate everyone who attended and shared their thoughts at the recent open house on June 13. Your feedback is invaluable as we shape the future of our community.
If you missed it or want to revisit the information, you can view the open house boards here.
Stay tuned for more opportunities to engage and share your input!
How does new provincial housing legislation affect the Clayton Corridor Plan?
In November 2023 the Province passed legislation to increase the supply of housing in BC. The legislation affects all existing and in progress secondary plans along SkyTrain lines.
The legislation identifies Transit Oriented Areas (TOAs) within 800 m of transit stations. As new development applications are received, cities must support a base level of development density in TOAs. Large parts of Clayton Corridor Plan are within a TOA.
In addition, residential parking minimums will no longer apply in TOAs. Developers will now determine the number of residential parking spaces needed. Commercial and accessible residential parking spaces will still be required.
Outside of the 800 m distance, there will be additional options for small-scale housing. As the City works to implement the legislation, it will allow additional units on lots zoned for single family homes and duplexes, without a rezoning application. The number of units permitted without rezoning depends on the lot size and the proximity to frequent bus transit. Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing (SSMUH) can include secondary suites, laneway homes, duplex, and row homes.
What changes are happening?
The legislation requires cities across the province, including Surrey, to update their bylaws, plans and policies related to housing. Several changes need to be completed in the coming months. These are the actions Surrey is taking to be consistent with the legislation:
- In March 2024, the Clayton Corridor plan boundaries were expanded. This change is outlined in Corporate Report R044;
By June 30, 2024, designate Transit-Oriented Areas by bylaw;
By June 30, 2024, update the City’s parking regulations to reflect revised parking requirements;
By June 30, 2024, update the Zoning Bylaw to reflect Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing regulations;
By December 31, 2024, update Surrey’s Housing Needs Report to calculate housing needs over a longer 20 year time horizon; and
By December 31, 2025, update the Official Community Plan to be consistent with the Housing Needs Report.
In addition, the Clayton Corridor Plan will be updated to reflect the TOAs including changes to land use designations and development parameters. Stay tuned for open house dates in the coming months. City staff will share detailed information and answer your questions.
Learn More:
Click here for a summary of the legislation and the steps the City is taking to implement the changes.
Click here to read more about Bill 47 which applies to Transit-Oriented Areas.
What We Heard - Step 3b Engagement Summary
The Clayton Corridor Step 3b Engagement Summary is now available to the public! This round of engagement built on findings from Step 3a and discussed expansions to the plan boundary, school locations, changes to land uses and densities, as well as development around SkyTrain stations.
To read the full engagement summary, please click here.
What We Heard - Step 3a Engagement Summary
Check out our Engagement Summary for Step 3a from people who completed our survey, attended the open house, or joined us at a pop-up event. Key discussion points in this round of engagement included building heights around future SkyTrain stations, transportation networks within the plan area, introduction of the "urban school" concept, as well as a Draft Stage 1 Land Use Plan. This round of engagement underrepresented renters and residents aged 0-19 years. Throughout the ongoing planning process, we will continue to seek out underrepresented residents.
In short order, Step 3b engagement will kickoff, and build on the feedback received during Step 3a. Thank you for your continued interest and involvement in the Clayton Corridor Plan! Please check back for more updates as they come through.
Clayton Corridor Open House Event
Thank you to over 200 people who attended our open house at the Clayton Community Centre on July 27. The display boards are still available for viewing here.
Clayton Corridor Open House Event
We want your input in developing the Clayton Corridor Plan!
We invite you to join us at the Clayton Corridor Plan Open House. Take part in interactive discussions and learn more about the Clayton Corridor plan.
Date: Thursday, July 27
Time: 4:00-7:00 pm
Location: Clayton Community Centre
What We Heard - Step 2b Engagement Summary
Our engagement summary for Step 2b is now available for viewing. In this step, over 680 people engaged with us. They shared what types of buildings, parks, transportation improvements, and amenities should be planned for. In Step 2b, we developed engagement specifically for youth. The City partnered with CityHive consultants to lead a CityShapers in Schools workshop at Ecole Salish and a Clayton Youth Connect event at the Clayton Community Centre. Across both youth events, over 100 youth shared their thoughts for the future. Together, youth-specific events helped us reach a greater share of the under 19 year old demographic that lives within the plan area.
Clayton Youth Connect
Calling Clayton Youth!
We want to hear your ideas on the future of your community.
The City invites youth (13-18 years) to participate in Clayton Youth Connect on May 27th.
Tell us how Clayton should grow over the next 25 years. Join us at the Clayton Community Centre on Saturday, May 27th from 7:00-9:00pm for pizza, prizes, and interactive, hands-on activities. Help us shape your community.
What We Heard - Step 2a Engagement Summary
Engagement for Step 2a began in December 2022, following the completion of Step 1. Findings from the Step 1 survey resulted in the development of the draft vision, objectives and development expectations policy as we begin to carve out the Clayton Corridor Plan. In Step 2a, we are building on these ideas. In this step we jumped into topics about the hearts of Clayton, moving around Clayton, and its community amenities. To promote the survey, we delivered postcards, ran a social media campaign, and did a media release. Components of the Step 2a engagement included:
- Survey
- Online Mapping Exercise
- Big Ideas
Our “What We Heard” report, which provides a summary of the Step 2a engagement and survey results is now available.
Thank you to the nearly 340 people who took part in the survey and those that participated in our online engagement tools. Since the launch of the Clayton Corridor Plan online platform in May of 2022, over 16,500 people have visited the Clayton Corridor project page. Of those, over 1,103 visited one or more of the information items, questions, polls, or tools. At the peak of engagement, the site had 517 visitors on a single day.
As part of the survey analysis we looked at who we reached. Below are some of the demographic groups we heard from. As we move into the next phase of engagement we will continue to explore how to better reach a representative sample of those living in the community.
Representative reach:
- 52% of respondents were aged 40-64 (32% of residents in the plan area are aged 40-69)
- 86% of respondents own their home (80% of residents in the plan area own their home)
Opportunity to improve:
- 9% of respondents rent (20% of residents in the plan area rent)
- 1% of respondents were youth (27% of residents in the plan area are youth)
To learn more about what we've heard so far in the Step 2a Survey, have a look in the "Key Documents" section of the site or click on the title to open it in a new window.
Who's Listening
Project Lead, Community Planner
AB -
Parks & Recreation Planner
BWEmail -
Email -
Planning Technician
Project Timeline
Step 1: Getting Started
Clayton Corridor Plan has finished this stageSpring - Summer 2022
Initiate process, define plan boundaries, confirm vision and principles, and develop interim expectations policy.
Step 2: Exploring Options
Clayton Corridor Plan has finished this stageFall 2022 - Spring 2023
Explore land use, parks and transportation options.
Step 3: Developing the Plan
Clayton Corridor Plan is currently at this stageSummer 2023 - Summer 2024
Identify preferred plan features, develop draft land use map and bring forward to council for consideration.
Step 4: Refining the Plan
this is an upcoming stage for Clayton Corridor PlanWinter 2025 - Fall 2025
Develop servicing and financing plans, refine urban design guidelines and land use concepts, and draft plan document.
Step 5: Completing the Plan
this is an upcoming stage for Clayton Corridor PlanWinter 2026
Finalize plan document and bring forward to council for consideration.
Key Documents
Draft Concepts
Plan Brochures
Engagement Summaries
Clayton Corridor Plan - Step 1 Engagement Summary (16.8 MB) (pdf)
Clayton Corridor Plan - Step 2a Engagement Summary.pdf (9.46 MB) (pdf)
Clayton Corridor Plan - Step 2b Engagement Summary (13.2 MB) (pdf)
Clayton Corridor Plan - Step 3a Engagement Summary (13.4 MB) (pdf)
Clayton Corridor Plan - Step 3b Engagement Summary (26.8 MB) (pdf)
Related Documents
ClaytonCorridor (1).mp4 (19 MB) (mp4)
Clayton Corridor Plan Open House Board Step 3C - June 2024 (12.5 MB) (pdf)
January 2025 Open House Boards (35.8 MB) (pdf)
Collection Notice
Personal information is collected for the purpose of community engagement regarding community planning initiatives. The City of Surrey is collecting this information under s.26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. For questions regarding the collection of personal information, please contact the Community Planning Manager, 13450 104 Ave, Surrey, BC V3T1V8, 604-598-5858 or